
Another Book Series and More Manamon

     Well, it's allot sooner than four months! I think my recent idea of reading a series and then posting a little about it afterword, just might work for me after all.      I just finished another Graphic Audio series. This one was entitled, The Chaos Queen Quintet. As you can guess from the title, there were five books to it.      It was about an elf who marries a man she hopes will give her a better life so as to escape the persecution of her village that is mostly inhabited by humans. She does receive a better life, but not in any way that she was expecting. After they are attacked at their wedding, he runs away, hoping the people who attacked him will come after him instead of going after his new wife. The elf chases him across the world, getting herself embroiled in a war in which she must decide whether to become an instrument for good or evil. Nothing is as it seems, including her new husband. Secrets abound everywhere and it keeps y...

Easily Distracted

I am so horrible at keeping up with this blog! I tend to get easily distracted, as you can tell from this title. I started working on a couple of things to put on here, but life got in the way. I went on vacation twice, had to help with personal family issues, and generally got busy reading as well as browsing ebay for new things to buy. I didn't know I wanted so many things till I found a place that sells everything one could possibly want! I've also spent a grate deal of time playing an audio game called Manamon. It is what it sounds like, a game in the style of Pokemon. I never thought I'd like something like that, but it's so cool! It has neat sound effects, wonderful music, and each creature has it's own unique voice. The story lines are complicated, and full of twists and turns. There are two games and the second one is nearly three times as long as the first! I love exploring new things and an open world role playing game is exactly the way for me to go. In f...

The Boy Who Lived

So much for writing more frequently! Ah, well. I got busy watching things and couldn't think of a topic I wanted to talk about. This post will be another short one. In fact, my next few posts will be short, at least until I can get used to writing on here more often. I wanted to briefly touch on a favorite book series of mine that I didn't get into until it was almost over. The series, if you couldn't tell from the title of this post, is called Harry Potter. Most of you will probably have heard of it, not least because of the films that were made of it. In any case, it's such a good read. The further you go in the books, the darker it gets. It's about a boy who discovers he's a wizard and has to go to school to learn to use magic. He has many trials throughout his stay at Hogwarts, because he's mostly to curious for his own good. He learns allot of valuable lessons along the way though. He goes from being an innocent boy who knows nothing about his past to a...

Catching You Up

     It's been a long time since I've posted anything here. First, the holidays came and while I had access to a comp and internet, the laptop I have is extremely slow. It's a wonder I can get anything done on it at all. Then, during the Holidays, events occurred that put a bit of a damper on things. Things have just started to settle back down again and I am finally in the mood to post.      I hope everyone had a good Holiday. Hope you got everything you wanted or at the very least, spent cherished time with family and good friends. Aside from the setbacks, that's what I did.     I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe in the midst of this crazy pandemic. We aren't going many places ourselves. To keep us from going completely insane, we mainly read, watch stuff on the internet, listen to music, or just spend time together. Ah, what would we do without technology!? In the strange times, with the world as it is today, I pray we never find ou...

What Thuy Trang and Trini Mean To Me

     Growing up in the nineties was interesting for many reasons. Cell phones were being introduced, computers were slowly becoming more popular, and freestyle music was hitting its peak. For kids all across America that had a television, a much bigger event was taking place.      Mighty Morphin Power Rangers exploded onto our TV screens. It was new, full of action, had awesome rock music, and five teenagers who could turn into superheroes. There was a color and a personality that represented each child's hero or heroine.      For a large number of people it was green, when he finally arrived on the scene. Others chose white, when he came later, though I personally suspect, had more to do with the fact that mostly everyone liked Jason David Frank who played them both, rather than the change in color. Still others preferred red, while many went for blue and black. A lot of girls loved pink. Most guys loved her too, but I tend to believe it was...

Growing Up Blind Part Two

I promised I'd share some of the things I'd gotten up too as a child. Let me start by saying that in the beginning, I loved being outside. As I got older and we moved, I started spending a lot of time indoors. Back then though, I couldn't wait for school to finish or the weekend to come around. The minute I was free, outside I went. As I said in my previous post, I spent a lot of time with my cousins. This was made easy because they lived about two blocks away. the twins would come over and take me to their house. I can still remember the first time they did this. I was so uncertain of my surroundings at that time. I was extremely nervous something would happen since there would be no adults accompanying us. "It's easy," one of them said, "we made it here just fine." "Come on," his sister added, "it'll be fun." Finally I agreed and went with them. From that day on, I did it many times. It was one of the things I'd miss the...

Growing Up Blind

     I meant to post this several days ago, but you know how it is this time of year with the holidays and all. In any case, I figured I'd take the time to write a little about myself. As I stated in my first post, I've been blind since birth.      My Mom was six and a half months pregnant when she had me. I was born weighing one and a half pounds. I was eleven inches long and my lungs weren't fully developed. I was immediately put on oxygen, but I was still in a lot of danger. My mom was informed not to get her hopes up. I might not pull through and if I did, there might be a lot of complications. I could either become brain damaged or mentally challenged. The other option, which was probably the best that anyone could hope for, was that I became completely blind.      I was in the hospital for eight months. When I was finally able to go home, I was accompanied by a portable oxygen machine. Due to my premature birth, I wa...